Tuesday, September 9, 2008

It's the second day of school and they've got us blogging!

The genres of photography I'm interested in are photojournalism, abstract, macro, landscapes, portraits and black & white.

Photo by Duncan McNairnay


Gabriele Digiovannantonio said...

I'm interested in black and white as well.

Christopher said...

thats cool you're into photojournalism. I also find it interesting.

Sara said...

macro is sweet :)

Cassandra Steen said...

Sounds like you're interested in a lot of different types of photography!

Heidi Tessmann said...

That's awesome! Micro would be so much fun!

Thomas said...

I wanna see some abstract Photos from you. Love those Picture if you look at them and don't know for the first 5 seconds what it is.